Convert WebP Tools

Language: 中文

Detect WebP support with Javascript

Nowadays, most modern browsers support the WebP image format. In some cases, it may be necessary to check if the user's browser supports WebP images.

Use Javascript to detect

Here, we will demonstrate a simple method to detect WebP support on the client side using JavaScript.

	function isWebpSupported(callback) {
		var webpData = '';
			.then(response => response.blob())
			.then(blob => callback(blob.type === 'image/webp'))
			.catch(() => callback(false));

	function handleWebpSupport(isSupported) {
		if (isSupported) {
			console.log('WebP format is supported!');
		} else {
			console.log('WebP format is not supported.');


Let's examine the JavaScript code.

In the isWebpSupported() function, a small WebP image encoded in Base64 is set as the variable webpData. The function then tries to fetch this image. It will respond with a blob.type, and we will check if it is a WebP image type. It also handles other scenarios and makes a callback with a false parameter.

The second function, handleWebpSupport(), works as a callback to print out the result.

Using this simple JavaScript code, we can determine whether the browser supports the WebP image format or not.

System Notice

  • 2024-Sep:
    • Fix quality settings issue when converting Animated GIF to WebP
    • Fix issuing in keeping transperancy background when rotating WebP
  • 2024-Aug:
    • Support drag and drop file
  • 2023-Nov:
    • Add more photo samples
  • 2023-Oct:
    • Add WebP rotate function
    • Provide Chinese User Interface
    • Rewrite the base code to improve conversion speed
  • 2023-Sep:
    • Add Quality Option in conversion, optimization and resize
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