Convert WebP Tools

Language: 中文

Resize WebP file

Resize webp file by percentage. Adjust your image's dimensions anywhere from 1% to 200%.

Resize Percentage :
  1. Click the "Choose from" button to select an image file. Only WebP formats are allowed.
  2. Use the "Percentage" slider to select the desired resize level.
  3. Once you have selected the image file, click the [Convert] button.
  4. Wait for the conversion to complete. The converted image in WebP format will be displayed below the [Convert] button.
  5. The converted image will also display information about the file dimension and file size.
  6. To download the converted image, click the [Download] button.

System Notice

  • 2024-Sep:
    • Fix quality settings issue when converting Animated GIF to WebP
    • Fix issuing in keeping transperancy background when rotating WebP
  • 2024-Aug:
    • Support drag and drop file
  • 2023-Nov:
    • Add more photo samples
  • 2023-Oct:
    • Add WebP rotate function
    • Provide Chinese User Interface
    • Rewrite the base code to improve conversion speed
  • 2023-Sep:
    • Add Quality Option in conversion, optimization and resize
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