Convert WebP Tools

Language: 中文

How to View WebP Format Files

WebP, developed by Google, is an image format specifically designed to optimize web images while maintaining high quality. The process of viewing WebP files is straightforward and user-friendly.

WebP serves as an image format primarily intended for web usage. The majority of modern web browsers, including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge, have native support for the WebP format. Opening a WebP file is as simple as double-clicking on it, which will automatically launch the file in your default browser. This functionality is available across multiple operating systems, including Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS.

If you are a macOS user, the built-in image viewer, Preview, also provides support for the WebP format. To view a WebP file using Preview, locate the file in Finder, right-click on it, select "Open With," and choose "Preview" from the list of available applications. This will enable you to view the WebP file using the Preview image viewer.

System Notice

  • 2024-Sep:
    • Fix quality settings issue when converting Animated GIF to WebP
    • Fix issuing in keeping transperancy background when rotating WebP
  • 2024-Aug:
    • Support drag and drop file
  • 2023-Nov:
    • Add more photo samples
  • 2023-Oct:
    • Add WebP rotate function
    • Provide Chinese User Interface
    • Rewrite the base code to improve conversion speed
  • 2023-Sep:
    • Add Quality Option in conversion, optimization and resize
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