Convert WebP Tools

Language: 中文

WebP Photos Sample

Here’re few photos sample of WebP file. The file size of photos in webp format is smaller than that of jpg format, while their appearance is virtually indistinguishable. It can be challenging to discern the differences between images in WebP and JPG formats.

The photos in JPG format are listed on the left and photos in WebP format are listed on the right.

JPG format WebP format
tai tam reservoir photo in JPG
File Size: 1.51MB
tai tam reservoir photo in WebP
File Size: 811KB
stanley murray house photo in JPG
File Size: 1.15MB
stanley murray house photo in WebP
File Size: 796KB
Causeway Bay Sunset photo in JPG
File Size: 847KB
Causeway Bay Sunset in WebP
File Size: 503KB
Victoria Harbour photo in JPG
File Size: 3.22MB
Victoria Harbour photo in WebP
File Size: 1.61MB
Stonecutters Bridge photo in JPG
File Size: 865KB
Stonecutters Bridge photo in WebP
File Size: 509KB
sunset peak photo in JPG
File Size: 434KB
sunset peak photo in WebP
File Size: 213KB
Armored  Car photo in JPG
File Size: 303KB
Armored Car photo in WebP
File Size: 123KB
aquarium photo in jpg
File Size: 205KB
aquarium photo in WebP
File Size: 51.3KB
Cable Car photo in JPG
File Size: 145KB
Cable Car photo in WebP
File Size: 55.4KB
City photo in JPG
File Size: 328KB
City photo in WebP
File Size: 137KB
Fish photo in JPG
File Size: 155KB
Fish photo in WebP
File Size: 47KB
JellyFish photo in JPG
File Size: 63.9KB
Jellyfish photo in WebP
File Size: 11.4KB
Panorama Photo in JPG
File Size: 187KB
Panorama Photo in WebP
File Size: 83.7KB
Pens Photo in JPG
File Size: 68.4KB
Pens Photo in WebP
File Size: 16.7KB
Red Flowers photo in WebP
File Size: 82.2KB
Red Flowers photo in JPG
File Size: 23.7KB
Yellow Flower photo in JPG
File Size: 102KB
Yellow Flower photo in WebP
File Size: 37.4KB

System Notice

  • 2024-Sep:
    • Fix quality settings issue when converting Animated GIF to WebP
    • Fix issuing in keeping transperancy background when rotating WebP
  • 2024-Aug:
    • Support drag and drop file
  • 2023-Nov:
    • Add more photo samples
  • 2023-Oct:
    • Add WebP rotate function
    • Provide Chinese User Interface
    • Rewrite the base code to improve conversion speed
  • 2023-Sep:
    • Add Quality Option in conversion, optimization and resize
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